Sunday, February 20, 2011

Playing Catch-up

So I know I've not been very good at keeping all of you updated on our progress so I'll catch everyone up on what's happend since our last post.

Jhai and I decided to try going back to school for a semester. It didn't go to well. I mean our classes were fine and all that but the stress got to us and we started fighting more and more. Though there were their high points to going back (even if it was just a semester). We met some really good people and made new friends. Some especially good friends we made were Kyle Potter, Priscilla Young and Blair Holloway. Kyle and Prissy are dating and have become good friends. Blair is also a good friend but we aren't able to see her as often, sadly.

Shortly after Jhai's birthday in September I suffered a concussion. While getting ready for school, I had my backpack sitting on my bed and I dropped a crochet hook I was going to bring to school. I bent down to get it and the 25 pound backpack fell on my head. Well about half way through my school day I decided to go to the nurse because my head was hurting and I was getting dizzy. She sent me to the ER. I called Mom on the way there and she informed me that my aunt was in the hospital as well. (I know. Interesting day! lol) Luckally the doctors diegnosed me with a slight concussion and gave me pain meds.  About a week to 2 weeks later I was still feeling horrible. I went to the other ER and the doctor treated me like I was a druggie looking for a fix. I complained, of course, and it was taken care of. I finally got an appointment with my regular doctor (which usually takes about a month to do). He ended up sending me to physical therapy to stop my headaches. Now I'm fully recovered so I guess it worked..

Since about October we have been trying to get Jhai some help for his back. Our doctor gave him physical therapy (which didn't help). After that he sent him for sterroid injections in the back. Jhai could barely move for about a week after that. What happened is the doctor did three injections and wiggled the needle around in his back to break up the muscle. It was terrible. Those didn't work either so Jhai went in for more x-rays. The doctor is now saying that he has arthritis in the back. Neither of us think that is the case since he was diegnosed with sculliosis before.

Other than that not much has happened. We will attempt to keep this more up to date though.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What happens if you drop a Fushigi Ball?

More info on the Fushigi ball. Be sure to watch it if you are planning to get one.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why We Hate Fushigi

My husband and I (but mostly him) do contact juggling. You may ask "What is contact juggling?" Well I will tell you the truth about contact juggling and Fushigi in one blog. How will I manage that? Well just read on.

The link below is to a video of the original contact juggler performing with a single ball. Before you call him a "Fushigiest" let me show you a bit of research.

Fushigi never claims to be the original acrylic ball or the inventors of the talent. As a matter of fact. On the first screen of the site there is a declaimer on the very bottom in small print. Oh and that's not the only reference they make to it...

See if you can find it.

*gasp* and ANOTHER reference to Contact Juggling...

In other words please stop calling them "Fushigiests". Many people spend and have spend years and even decades learning this trade and it is very insulting to them. They are contact jugglers.

Another thing is that the Fushigi doesn't defy gravity. The performer makes it appear so. Again take a look at the third link from the Fushigi site. It's an ILLUSION! For the people who are claiming that regular acrylic balls are using "false advertising" to sell their product. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE! An acrylic ball can't defy gravity. Nothing can! It's all the person holding the ball. If anyone is using false advertising it's Fushigi. At bare minimum it's misleading.

Talented people like this actually use contact juggling to pay their bills. Because of Fushigi, people are losing their income. Audiences think it's all just a trick instead of seeing the skill that these people have.

HOWEVER, Fushigi does have some good things about it. Regular acrylic balls can start fires if they are left in the sun. Because of the chrome core of the Fushigi ball the risk is significantly lowered and the ball seems to be good quality.

I guess the moral of this blog is don't believe everything you see on TV.

Here is the Fushigi Youtube Channel: Take a CAREFUL look at what people are saying. After that be the judge for yourself.

Now on to the history portion of the blog...

Contact juggling was formed in the early 80s by Michael Moschen. Instead of tossing the balls into the air they are rolled over the hands and body of the artist to create the illusion that they are floating. There are three main movement types.

1. Body Rolling means manipulating one or more props (usually balls) around the hands, arms, and body. Balance is required to hold the ball in various positions of control. This includes tricks such as headrolling and the Butterfly.

2. Palm Spinning means manipulating two or more balls in the open hand so that at least one ball is in motion. Balls may be in both hands or transferred between hands to form graceful and fluid patterns, including rotating a pyramid stack of 4 balls.

3. Isolation means manipulating a ball so that it appears to be suspended in place. Similar to sleight of hand magic or fixed-point mime techniques; the performers exploit the clear surface of the ball to hide any noticeable rotation, creating the effect that the ball is still while the performer moves around the ball. (

Michael Moschen even made a covert appearance in the 1986 movie Labyrinth. When David Bowie's character is seen contact juggling it is actually Michael's hands. He stood behind David and did the tricks bind. However Michael did not have a name yet for this hypnotising art so in the credits of the movie it was called "crystal ball manipulation". Since then the art has gained popularity rapidly and will continue to do so especially with Fushigi on the scene. (If only they would mention it in the commercials.)

Friday, May 28, 2010

An End to the Silence

So I havn't written for a long time. It's been chaotic. I had to quit the heart moniter test early beause the regular electrodes ripped off skin and the "hypo-allergenic" ones gave me a rash of all things. Anyway all the tests are done and I don't have to worry about it for now. Jhai and I both have had trouble sleeping the past week (except for last night).We still can't find jobs and financial aid is taking forever to get back to us about how much we will get. We were supposed to sign up for classes on Monday but we can't sign up for them without paying the regestration fee. UGH This is a pain. So until something interesting happens...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stress Test Results

Today I had my stress test. They put me on the treadmill and I did fine except for the last 30 seconds. That's when I started to get dizzy and an upset tummy. It's stayed with me all day. I was in bed for most of the day feeling sick. ANYWAY... The doctor said that my condition is nothing to worry about right now. If it gets worse then that's when I have to deal with it. I should have no problems when Jhai and I decide to get pregnant either.

12 days left to go on my heart monitor too! I had to call Cardionet again to have them send me some hypoallergenic electrodes. The ones that I've been using are tearing off skin and it hurts like heck.

So Yah that's about it for now. I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

An exciting week

The title says it all. This week has been full of drama drama and more drama.

I got the heart moniter hooked up to me. It would beep at me constantly telling me that it couldn't connect to the sensor. It would keep me up at night and the third day I heard something rattling around inside so I called Cardionet (the company who sent me the moniter) and told them what had been going on. They told me to unhook it and they would send me a new one. It arrived early the next morning to I am officially on day 5 so only 16 days to go lol. I sent the bad one back but they kept calling me to return it. I called them and told them that I already sent it back so they discontinued the automated calls.

A couple of days ago Jhai and I got a call from our bank saying that we were over $200 overdrawn. It turns out that charged us $150 for an account we cancled over a month ago. We got the confirmation letter and they called me while I was in the hospital on April 1st to see why we cancled. It took us 3 days to fix it and they said they will refund all of the money they took out. Now we are fighting our bank because of the overdraft fees of  $90. I know we will win though.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

YAY!!!!! More Tests

So I got the haulter moniter test and the sonogram of my heart done. There were about 4 episodes recorded on the haluter moniter and the sonogram showed that my heart was a bit jumpy. They are now going to do a 21 day haulter moniter test on me. It's going to show how often I get an episode and if I need to have the procedure done. (The ablation isn't a surgery. I learned from one of the other doctors that it's what they call an invasive procedure. The only thing is I'd most likely have to travel to Sacremento to have it done [Maybe my best friend could come see me in the hospital. Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge Suzanne.] ) The test that they are going to do will determine if they need to do the procedure. I'm going to see if they can activate it today. I have to call the company in order to do it. Hopefully they have someone availible.