Sunday, February 20, 2011

Playing Catch-up

So I know I've not been very good at keeping all of you updated on our progress so I'll catch everyone up on what's happend since our last post.

Jhai and I decided to try going back to school for a semester. It didn't go to well. I mean our classes were fine and all that but the stress got to us and we started fighting more and more. Though there were their high points to going back (even if it was just a semester). We met some really good people and made new friends. Some especially good friends we made were Kyle Potter, Priscilla Young and Blair Holloway. Kyle and Prissy are dating and have become good friends. Blair is also a good friend but we aren't able to see her as often, sadly.

Shortly after Jhai's birthday in September I suffered a concussion. While getting ready for school, I had my backpack sitting on my bed and I dropped a crochet hook I was going to bring to school. I bent down to get it and the 25 pound backpack fell on my head. Well about half way through my school day I decided to go to the nurse because my head was hurting and I was getting dizzy. She sent me to the ER. I called Mom on the way there and she informed me that my aunt was in the hospital as well. (I know. Interesting day! lol) Luckally the doctors diegnosed me with a slight concussion and gave me pain meds.  About a week to 2 weeks later I was still feeling horrible. I went to the other ER and the doctor treated me like I was a druggie looking for a fix. I complained, of course, and it was taken care of. I finally got an appointment with my regular doctor (which usually takes about a month to do). He ended up sending me to physical therapy to stop my headaches. Now I'm fully recovered so I guess it worked..

Since about October we have been trying to get Jhai some help for his back. Our doctor gave him physical therapy (which didn't help). After that he sent him for sterroid injections in the back. Jhai could barely move for about a week after that. What happened is the doctor did three injections and wiggled the needle around in his back to break up the muscle. It was terrible. Those didn't work either so Jhai went in for more x-rays. The doctor is now saying that he has arthritis in the back. Neither of us think that is the case since he was diegnosed with sculliosis before.

Other than that not much has happened. We will attempt to keep this more up to date though.